
Deep Space Nine Crew


Benjamin Sisko Rank: Captain
Full Name: Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
Year of birth: 2332
Place of birth: New Orleans, Earth
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sisko
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2350-54
Marital status: Widowed: married to Jennifer Sisko 2354-67
Children: One son, Jake, born 2355
Kira Rank: Major, Bajoran Militia
Full Name: Kira Nerys
Year of birth: 2343
Place of birth: Dahkur Province, Bajor
Marital status: Single
Dax Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Full Name: Jadzia Dax
Year of birth: 2341
Place of birth: Trill
Education: (host) Starfleet Academy, 2359-63
Marital status: Married to Worf, 51247.5
Children: None (current host)
Date of death: 2374
Place of death: Deep Space 9
O'Brien Rank: Chief petty officer, senior chief specialist
Full Name: Miles Edward O'Brien
Year of birth: September, 2328
Place of birth: Killarney, Ireland, Earth
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Brien
Marital status: Married Keiko Ishikawa in 2367 in Ten-Forward, U.S.S. Enterprise
Children: One daughter, Molly, born 2368; a son, Kirayoshi, born 2373
Bashir Rank: Lieutenant
Full Name: Julian Subatoi Bashir
Year of birth: 2341
Education: Starfleet Academy and Medical School, 2359-2369
Marital status: Single
Odo Position: Security chief, Bajoran Militia, DS9 detachment
Species: Founder Changeling
Given Name: Odo'ital
Date of birth: Discovered ca. 2337 in Denorious Belt, Bajoran system
Place of birth: Founders Homeworld, Dominion, Gamma Quadrant
Education: Bajoran Institute for Science, as specimen: 2356-63
Worf Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Full Name: Worf
Date of birth: Terran equivalent: Dec. 9, 2340
Place of birth: Qo'noS, Klingon Empire
Parents: Son of Mogh; foster parents Sergey and Helena Rozhenko
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2357-61
Marital status: Married to Jadzia Dax, 51247.5
Children: One son, Alexander, born 43rd day of Maktag, equivalent 2366
Jake Full Name: Jake Sisko
Year of birth: 2355
Parents: Capt. Benjamin and the late Jennifer Sisko; no siblings
Education: On-post schooling
Marital status: Single
Quark Occupation: Owner and bartender/host, Quark's Place DS9
Full Name: Quark
Year of birth: c. 2333, Terran equivalent
Place of birth: Ferenginar
Parents: Ishka and the late Keldar
Marital status: Single
Ezri Ezri Dax
The new host for the Dax symbiont
