
USS Enterprise - NCC 1701 E

"..To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.."


New Sovereign-class starship, registry NCC-1701-E, commanded by Picard since its launch on SD 49827.5 from the San Francisco Yards over Earth. With twenty-four decks, it was equipped with the latest in equipment and defenses, including quantum torpedoes.

It did not go into full service immediately, even for shakedowns; by SD 50893.5 the ship had only been in space and fully crewed for 'nearly' a year. Having plunged into a temporal wake at Earth created by invading Borg, it visited the time of Cochrane's pioneering warp drive test and first contact with Vulcans in 2063 to repel the Borg's would-be sabotage.


Enterprise E
