
Enterprise Crew


Picard Rank: Captain
Full Name: Jean-Luc Picard
Date of birth: July 13, 2305
Place of birth: Labarre, France, Earth
Parents: Maurice and Yvette Picard
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2323-27
Marital status: Single
Riker Rank: Commander
Full Name: William Thomas Riker
Date of birth: August 19, 2335
Place of birth: Valdez, Alaska, Earth
Parents: Kyle and Betty C. Riker
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2353-57
Marital status: Single
Data Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Full Name: Data
Date of birth: Permanently re-activated Feb. 2, 2338 (initial activation unknown)
Place of birth: Omicron Theta science colony
Parents: Created by Dr. Noonien Soong and Dr. Juliana O'Donnell Soong Tainer
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2341-45
Marital status: Single
Children: One, deceased
Geordi Rank: Commander
Full Name: Geordi LaForge
Date of birth: Feb. 16, 2335
Place of birth: African Confederation, Earth
Parents: the late Captain Silva LaForge and Commander Edward M. LaForge
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2353-2357
Marital status: Single
Worf Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Full Name: Worf
Date of birth: Terran equivalent: Dec. 9, 2340
Place of birth: Qo'noS, Klingon Empire
Parents: Son of Mogh; foster parents Sergey and Helena Rozhenko
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2357-61
Marital status: Married to Jadzia Dax, 51247.5
Children: One son, Alexander, born 43rd day of Maktag, equivalent 2366
Troi Rank: Commander
Full Name: Deanna Troi
Date of birth: Terran equivalent: March 29, 2336
Place of birth: Near Lake El-Nar, Betazed
Parents: Betazoid Ambassador Lwaxana Troi and the late Starfleet Lt. Ian Andrew Troi
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2355-59; advanced study at University on Betazed
Marital status: Single
Children: One, deceased, via alien conception taking human form: Ian Andrew Jr., b/d 2365
Crusher Rank: Commander
Full Name: Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher
Date of birth: Oct. 13, 2324
Place of birth: Copernicus City, Luna
Parents: Paul and Isabel Howard
Education: Starfleet Academy and Medical School, 2342-50
Marital status: Widowed; married Jack Crusher 2348-55
Children: One son, Wesley Robert Crusher, born July 29, 2349
Pulaski Rank: Commander
Full Name: Katherine "Kate" Pulaski
Marital status: Three times divorced
Wesley Full name: Wesley Robert Crusher
Date of birth: July 29, 2349
Place of birth: Earth
Parents: Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher and Jack Robert Crusher
Education: Unfinished degree, Starfleet Academy, 2367-70
Marital status: Single
Tasha Yar Rank: Lieutenant
Full Name: Natasha "Tasha" Yar
Year of birth: 2337
Place of birth: Turkana IV
Date of death: 2364 (Stardate 41601)
Place of death: Vagra II
Cause of death: Head trauma from alien assault
Marital status: Single
Guinan Position: Civilian lounge hostess
Name: Guinan
Species/gender: El-Aurian female
Place of birth: El-Auria
Marital status: Single, twice married
Children: Several
Q "Q" is the Federation designation for an impudent, self-superior and sometimes malevolent being from the otherwise mysterious Q Continuum. Beginning in 2364, the alien literally began to pop up in Federation space to tease, torment, and try Starfleet officers - especially Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise. From the reports and eyewitness accounts it is not certain that the remainder of his kind share his outlook. It should always be stressed that Q's apparent juvenile humor should never be mistaken for the amoral, unconscionable acts of which he is capable...
