
Enterprise Crew


Kirk Rank: Captain
Full Name: James Tiberius Kirk
Date of birth: March 22, 2233
Place of birth: Riverside, Iowa, Earth
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2250-2254
Marital status: Single
Children: One son, David Marcus (2261-2286)
Spock Rank: First Officer
Full Name: Spock (lineal Vulcan name unpronounceable)
Year of birth: 2230
Place of birth: Shi'Kahr, Vulcan
Parents: Ambassador Sarek and his wife Amanda Grayson
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2249-53
Marital status: Once married
McCoy Rank: Chief Medical Officer
Full Name: Leonard Horatio McCoy
Year of birth: 2227
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. David McCoy
Education: University of Mississippi, 2245-49; medical school, 2249-53
Marital status: Divorced
Children: A daughter, Joanna
Scotty Rank: Chief Engineer
Full Name: Montgomery Scott
Year of birth: 2222
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2240-44
Marital status: Single
Uhura Rank: Communications Officer
Name: Uhura
Year of birth: 2239
Place of birth: United States of Africa, Earth
Parents: Mother, M'Umbha
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2257-61
Sulu Rank: Helmsman
Name: Hikaru Sulu
Year of birth: 2237
Place of birth: San Francisco, Earth
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2255-59
Marital status: Married
Chekov Rank: Navigator
Full Name: Pavel Andreievich Chekov
Year of birth: 2245
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2263-67
Marital status: Single
Chapel Rank: Head Nurse
Full Name: Christine Chapel
Education: Nursing school, Starfleet Medical
